View Profile bloodrush900

27 Game Reviews

2 w/ Responses


It was good, but when you had the Auto Rifle and held left mouse button it didn't shoot very well. But besides that it was great.


That was pretty good.

Better than the last one, a bit short but that doesn't matter.


A pretty good game.

Graphics: 5/10: They wern't that good, only the gun and the targets.
Style: 4/10: Shooting targets?...
Sound: 9/10: I didn't mind the music and the gun sounds were pretty good.
Violence: 1/10: Well there was no violence besides the gun shooting.
Interactivity: 4/10: The gun didn't always fire when you clicked the fire button.
Humor: 0/10: None.
Overall: 6/10: I liked this game, it was a bit repeditive though.



When the Pico's Unloaded movie came out I thought it would be cool if there was a game of it, and now there is. The only problem is, is that I suck at it. =P



Brings back the old days when Pico's School just came out. It was a great remake, but you missed out the bit where in the Men's toilet that guy starts throwing shit at you. The best bit of it was the FPS bit at the end, great work. Still completed the game first try though like the old Pico's School. =D You MUST make more games.


Pretty Good.

Not the best game ive ever played, but it was ok. The graphics wernt the best but no one can make a perfect flash.


Probaly one of the greatest games ive ever played!

This is amazing in every way. Its a bit like sonic but also alot different. Very smooth game, i couldnt do the first level. =P


I never liked WWE but...

This was some funny shit

MessiaH responds:

Thanks. Maybe another non-fan converted?

Nice Work!

Pretty good! Good job :P

Frontpage already!

Jesus christ! I saw this just released in the portal 3 hours ago and now its on frontpage good job buddy!

<insert wittyness here>

Age 32, Male


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